The most common solutions available in the market for improving skin condition includes skin peelings, facial creams, galvanic electricity, and the oral supplements with hydrolysate biomolecules. Most of the products target on collagen production enhancement or replacement in the skin. The global collagen market size was estimated at USD 3.71 billion in 2016, and is anticipated that it would reach USD 6.63 billion by 2025 as a growing demand by the population and because of its increased use. There is an increase in the use of marine-based products in cosmetics and healthcare applications. The global tissue-engineered collagen biomaterial market is likely to progress at a robust CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 10.4% during the period between 2017 and 2025 (a). There is an increasing demand and use of cosmeceuticals by public in recent years. The marine collagen market is witnessing growth owing to the growth in demand for beauty products, increase in the number of R&D activities, innovations in the medical field, technological advancements, and by-product utilization and processing due to the growth of the fish processing industry. The use of diet supplements to improve the appearance and function of aged skin has received growing attention. It is important to make the right choice when selecting the product as poor choices may lead to waste of money and unsatisfactory results.
a. Avila Rodríguez, M. I., Rodríguez Barroso, L. G., & Sánchez, M. L. (2018). Collagen: A review on its sources and potential cosmetic applications. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 17(1), 20-26.